Gutter Empire LLC


3 Reasons It’s Important to Clean Your Gutters

Spring is right around the corner, and for most households in the Portland area, warmer weather and longer daylight hours provide pristine conditions for home improvement projects and other outdoor fun. Gutter cleaning is one of the most important spring home improvement projects that everyone should complete. 

Far too many homeowners wait until they notice gutter damage or other problems to clean the gutters. This mistake costs many households tremendous sums of cash. Schedule gutter cleaning now, and not only do you prevent damages and disaster to your gutters, but also gain peace of mind in the safety and comfort of your home.

Cleaning the gutters benefits every Portland homeowner in a multitude of ways. It’s essential to clean the gutters for reasons such as:

1- Prevent Massive Damage to the Home

Roof rot, leaks, and other types of damage often result from clogged gutters. Damaged roofing, whether it’s missing shingles or problems with the soffit or fascia, burdens any homeowner. Clean gutters reduce potential water damage risks and the many threats it causes. 

Keeping the gutters clean also reduces damage to expensive landscaping while maintaining the aesthetic beauty and appeal of the home. We all want beautifully appealing home exterior scenery that delivers curb appeal and envy throughout the neighborhood. Dirty gutters immediately eliminate that possibility.

Clean gutters protect the vital components of the home for longer, protecting the integrity and beauty of the property. Should you decide to sell the home in the future, expect maximum value and profit as a result.

2- Avoid Pest Infestations

Pests and insects like mosquitoes, birds, and termites love a pre-made home. It really makes things simple for them. Clogged gutters provide pests and insects with all of the twigs, leaves, and debris they need to live comfortably in the gutters at your home. Pest infestations cause a nuisance to every homeowner, but that’s only the start of reasons why a pest infestation in the gutter is never desirable. Schedule gutter cleaning and prevent potential problems that could otherwise occur.

3- Save Money

Keeping the gutters on your home clean saves money, and experts agree that homeowners reduce their expenses from this one simple service. Ill-maintained gutters create a myriad of problems and damages to a home that costs hundreds to thousands of dollars in repair fees. Keep the gutters clean now and save money while enjoying the many other benefits this service brings.

Most Oregon homeowners need a gutter cleaning service twice per year, although the frequency of service varies heavily from one household to the next. Regular gutter cleaning offers the benefits above and so many others. Don’t wait until it’s too late to clean the gutters on your home!